the way home...
These pain killers must be good because I'm cracking myself up
These pain killers must be good because I'm cracking myself up
Just so people know... I am not usually this terrible of a photographer (I'm no professional either) :) but sheeesh~ they do not encourage photography at this dance school. They say it distracts the students and she needs full attention. sigh. What's a shutter happy mom to do??? Anyways what you see is the terrible glare on the glass door. and if you look real close you can see me crouched down at the door on the right. ;)
OMG what a mess... this will be organized and *clean* soon... I can't even think in all this clutter.
I miss my momma already. It's never enough time when she comes to visit. I wish she was closer so I could see her everyday. Sometimes I think its a wonder I left home at all... I thought I'd get over missing her so much but whenever I see her it rips open that homesick wound again and I wonder why I'm so far away from her... ah. such a momma's gurl.